1.11.11 will never happen again in my lifetime so it just made me do a little soul searching today. It's amazing how easy it is to sit back and be upset by all the things that are out of my control but I spend so little time actually working on things that are in my control. My disease is out of my control but my basic health is not. If I put as much effort into controlling my weight or excercising as I do worrying about my loss of hair I would feel much better.
SO.....this is a new year and a new start to the rest of my life. Sounds a little cliche' I know but it's true. We are the only ones that can take control and either make the most of life or let it waste away. I think I've wasted far too much time just letting life pass me by.
I may not get my hair back this year but I'm going to make it my mission to look at the bright side because I have so many other blessings in my life!