Thursday, October 28, 2010

It's the Week-End!

Here's what I plan on doing all week-end............NOTHING!

I had a major melt down at work on Wednesday and my usual "I can do it all" attitude went completely out the window. There were too many people wanting too many things and I just lost it! I hung up the phone from yet another frustrating phone call and the tears started pouring so I picked up my purse and headed out the door literally sobbing. Not very professional but at that moment it was best to walk away and concede to the fact I'm not superwoman. Never have been.....never will be. Thank goodness for a great job and understanding co-workers!! SO....I think this is just going to be a mental health week-end. Some nice warm soup, hor' deurves, and watch Missouri shuck some corn Saturday!! GO TIGERS!!

1 comment:

  1. I hope you have a nice relaxing weekend! Sorry about the crappy week! Love ya!
